Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hillside Road

get yourself an 8 inch x 5 inch corkboard
a rough piece of styro, plaster of paris,
a narrow piece of illustration board
3 cut pcs of bamboo skewers
some paint and glue

chip away the styro to form your hillside base
and mix the plaster of paris and sculpt to
what will look like a rocky hillside

mix some red yellow black and white Tamiya X-F paints and paint
the dried plaster of paris-it will look like a lump of shit but you'll get over the appearance Cheesy
pour glue alongside the hillside and pour in greenery and let dry

cut a long stirp of illustration board and cut away a groove in the middle.
stick the pointed bamboo at the back and paint it with silver and the usual yellowblack stripes
for road barriers.

you'll have something like this in around 2 hours Smiley

and then you're done Wink

thanks for looking Smiley


  1. very nice new dio Gary!

    i think i need to make a few more of these


  2. yes mike. severa;l of them will be great for background shots. any seasonal road scenes at that! hehehe
    thanks :)

  3. i remember Hurby when i looked that VW photo...

    thx for share ..

    PS: thx for tactics too...

  4. your diorama is so marvelouz bro...
    thx for the informations...
    hmmm.., now i really-really want to make my garage diorama... :D

    Btw, also check my blog for some of my 1:18 Ferrari....

    Thank you... :D
